Saturday 14 February 2015

General Knowledge Questions- Set 4

25. In BASIC, description comments are put in the source program with the
PRINT statement
REMARK statement
INPUT statement
DATA statement
26. Which command is used to display all the files having the (.exe) extension but different filename?
Dir filename.*
Dir filename.ext
Dir *.sys
Dir *.ext
27. CHKDSK command is used to
Analyze the hard disk error
Diagnose the hard disk error
Report the status of files on disk
All of the above
28. In which year the first operating system was developed
29. Which command should be used to display all files within the specified subordinate directory of the subdirectory?
Dir \ pathname
Dir \ pathname\pathname
Dir / ch
Dir \pathname\filename
30. In communication satellite, multiple repeaters are known as
31. Which of the following is an advantage to using fiber optics data transmission?
resistance to data theft
fast data transmission rate
low noise level
all of above
32. The channel in the data communication model can be
ostal mail services
elephone lines
adio lines
ny of the above

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